

The OnRoute platform has an extensive API that supports integration with a range of external systems. Some integration use cases are outlined below.

The OnRoute platform has an extensive API that supports integration with a range of external systems. Some integration use cases are outlined below.


The OnRoute platform has an extensive API that supports integration with a range of external systems. Some integration use cases are outlined below.


onRoute uses GTFS to determine network route and schedule information. The platform has a GTFS endpoint to support integration with common pubic transport network planning tools.

External Reporting

While onRoute reporting is sufficient to meet network operation needs, often additional analysis and insights are required. The platform is able to feed external analytics systems with a complete extract of all real-time operational data.

Vehicle Tracking

onRoute integrates with a range of common automatic vehicle location (AVL) systems. Almost all devices on the New Zealand market are certified to work with onRoute.

Third-party Apps

The onRoute API can be used by third-party apps that need network data in real time. The platform can be used to stream real-time position updates for a selected service directly to a consumer.

Apps can also register for notifications when exceptions to scheduled services are detected.

Cloud-based Platform

Reduced Cost of Ownership

onRoute has been designed to reduce the total economic impact of real-time transit network management. With no infrastructure or support required, network operations can focus on providing an optimal service to their customers.

High Availability

At web scale in the cloud, failures and outages occur. That's why we have architected onRoute to be highly resilient to the failure of any of its components, with the goal that users never experience any downtime.

One Platform, many solutions

onRoute is a multi-tenanted system designed to support a broad range of public transport network operators. While the system has many useful features out of the box, it can also be customised to meet each client's unique needs.

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