Intelligent decision
support, in real time.

Intelligent decision support, in real time.

onRoute radically simplifies real-time public transport management. Designed to be instantly operational, our cloud platform provides intelligent decision support and significantly reduces running costs.

onRoute radically simplifies real-time public transport management. Designed to be instantly operational, our cloud platform provides intelligent decision support and significantly reduces running costs.

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OnRoute allows users to respond to disruptions to services in real time, check the state of any service on the network, and measure service performance, in real time.

The platform is composed of a number of in-built modules that simplify the job of understanding and managing the network.

In addition, the platform has a comprehensive support for third-party tools and applications. Amongst other things, the platform integrates with planning tools (GTFS), vehicle tracking (AVLs), third-party applications (GTFS-realtime), and analytics suites.

The platform can be customised to meet the Auckland Transport's needs by assembling pre-existing components and integrating third-party systems.


The Service Tracking module reports information about every service on the network, in real time. Users can see a vehicle's current location, as well as determine its recent history and forecast when it is likely to arrive at a specific location.

Tracking also highlights service-related exceptions, such as deviations from route or schedule

When needed additional details are available for any tracked vehicle: average speed, passenger numbers, past stops and upcoming stops

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The Network Management module allows a network operations team to respond to events on the network, replacing vehicles, re-routing services, cancelling trips, and more.

The module can be configured to allow operators limited access to manage the service they provide


The Network Updates module provide notifications and alerts in real time for interested external systems. The module notifies subscribers on a number of exceptions to normal service. Exceptions are tailored to meet network operator's needs through a set of configurable rules.

For example, "notify me when a service is more than 30 minutes late", "notify me if a bus stops moving for more than 20 minutes mid-trip", etc.


The Network Insights module provides straightforward reporting on performance across the network. Reports focus on how well operators and their services are complying with pre-agreed performance metrics

For example, reports can be used to identify route and schedule deviations, capacity, and health and safety issues, such as speeding.

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